After a lifetime of wealth accumulation, you reach a time where your paycheck ends. Attention shifts to converting savings plan balances and retirement accounts into a reliable personalized lifetime income. An income that you won’t outlive.
Recognizing the challenges and choices, we select which assets to draw from first for a tax-advantaged income which may include:
- a fixed percentage
- a fixed dollar value
- using investment earnings
- or a “bucket” investment strategy
We create an income strategy with consideration to the pros and cons of optimal allocation to weather inevitable and variable market conditions. We excel in both creating and managing investment income, with expertise in:
- Retirement
- Tax-advantaged income
- Cash-flow projections
- Living-expense estimates
- Annuities
- Dividends
- Fixed incomes
- Pensions
- Lump-sum settlements
- Life insurance
- Long-term care insurance
- Social Security
- 401(k) and IRA accounts
- Required minimum distributions
- Inflation
With our help, clients create tax-efficient investment portfolios designed to withstand market turbulence and offer a lifetime of income. We’ll even handle withholding, sending you a monthly paycheck with appropriate deductions already made.